Sunday, November 15, 2009


Interesting views from my lovely friend's loft of downtown LA's Tower Theatre and The Knife...peaceful melancholy kaleidoscope bliss

I adore the way 'theatre' still makes itself known through a murky swamp of rusted colors; lingering just below the surface...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sometimes the disgusting desert does reward us with some beautiful blue fall days; those clear days tend to grace us after a much needed smog enema by the Santa Ana's.

Days like these, it's good to hop on my trusty 10geared steed, armed with my iPhone and some peppy Matt & Kim soundtrack music

historic cemetery

Mission Inn (Sunday brunch is a glutenous heaven)

Private cliff walkway to big ass home

(you can own this beauty for a mere $602k 7bed, 5bath)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

tick tock

May I just say...Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a depressing kick-you-in-the-ribs-while-you're-down-in-the-dumps-anthem...when you're sitting there mind occupied on a far off land of cold and loneliness.

Coffee would prolly help

busy time heals all wounds

*except, I can't seem to keep busy enough to fully heal
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