Sometimes the disgusting desert does reward us with some beautiful blue fall days; those clear days tend to grace us after a much needed smog enema by the Santa Ana's.
Days like these, it's good to hop on my trusty 10geared steed, armed with my iPhone and some peppy Matt & Kim soundtrack music historic cemetery
Mission Inn (Sunday brunch is a glutenous heaven)
Private cliff walkway to big ass home
(you can own this beauty for a mere $602k 7bed, 5bath)
May I just say...Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" is a depressing kick-you-in-the-ribs-while-you're-down-in-the-dumps-anthem...when you're sitting there mind occupied on a far off land of cold and loneliness.
Coffee would prolly help
busy time heals all wounds
*except, I can't seem to keep busy enough to fully heal
"You do all you can to humanize and familiarize the world and suddenly it becomes more strange than ever. The living are not what they were, the dead die again and at last for good." Saul Bellow